Thursday, 19 April 2007


Time runs now, and there are many logistical joys to solve before I can take any data - such as getting my 2m long throughfall gutters and 1m x 1.20m metal run-off sheets to the plot which is 30 min walk gently uphill. I'm sure, though, that won't feel as gentle after some 10 min wheelbarrow-pushing.
Today the big landslide down the road was at least passable and so we could welcome our chauffeur who had been stuck in the jungle, and more specifically his car, for the last two weeks. He was mightily pleased to have a shower and a bed. He greeted me as 'Profesora de baile' and hence unwittingly put his foot in. I do miss tango to the degree that I even recognized an Orchestra when listening to music today, despite my phenomenal incompetence in telling tango orchestras apart. In the evening everybody seemed tired and so J. got one of P.s films which turned out to be a peculiar pseudo-political thriller which I got stuck with because I recognized the town it took part in. The film was far from finished when the generator switched off and all the mosquitoes in the comedor swiftly congregated near the screen, now the only source of light. Watching was much less fun from then on and after 5 minutes I fled the beasts. Now I will never know if the tough guy rescued the pretty chinese girl.

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