Wednesday, 2 May 2007

First data

I managed to take some data for the plot!
Very exciting, even though I had to pay with quite a few mosquito bites, despite DEET. All my sensors are sort of set up and we finished an hour before we were due to get a ride back to Cuzco. The second we mounted the bus I started snotting profusely - at first I hoped it was an allergic reaction to somebodies luggage in the bus that smelled very much of rotting milk with old socks. I figured I could open the window after some time, which made things better but sadly it wasn't an allergy.
A nightly bus ride through the Andes at full moon, though, is fantastically beautiful - and so the ride was a pleasure and a torture at the same time. As so many things seem to be here.
For the next few days I have been given a desk at the Research Organisation W. is run by. There is a radio link between Cuzco and W. In W., when one has an urgent message for somebody in Cuzco one is taken to the solar powered radio by one of the maintenance guys. Chances of success are around 50%. Patience is also required as one sits on a wooden box while the maintenance guy shouts 'Cuuuzcoosssocuzcoossucuzcoossooo' into the receiver for some ten minutes at least before there is an answer. I always thought it takes so long to make contact from the W.-side only. As I'm working in the office here I realize not without satisfaction that the flipside of the coin goes 'Ooossocuzcoossocuzcoossocuzco' for similar amounts of time.

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