Sunday, 1 February 2009

More on Buenos Aires

I had a fabulous time in Buenos Aires. Predictably, both B. and I were - I sheepishly admit - always especially happy when we had a reason to hang out in Palermo Viejo. I'm sure everyone who has read or heard anything about BsAs knows about the delights of this leafy neighbourhood. And yes, it is unabashedly middle-class, full of nice restaurants and cafes and even fuller of trendy clothes shops. It's like being back in my native country, plus great weather. I did almost all my shopping there - one can get both designer wear (see here for anything new and interesting) and cheaper items, such as the latest poopy pants (needless to say I didn't buy any).
Also predictably: there is a lot of good dulce-de-leche-icecream around...
And there are lots of doggies.

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